
HAIR Modulus - Beau Hair 🆕 @ K9 [june]
SHIRT Agata [Legacy] Jacob shirt 🆕 @ Access Event [june]
SHORTS etham - Jonas Shorts 🆕 @ Access Event [june]
SUNGLASSES Magnificent BOMBER Sunglasses 🆕 @ TMD [june]
DOG Jian Splashy Spaniels 5. Brit Gold Companion

WOODEN BRIDGE Apple Fall Rope Wooden Bridge - Aged Oak 🆕 @ Equal10 Event [june]
COOLER Thor Summer Cooler 🆕 @ Access Event [june]
SODAS Thor Summer Soda - decor 🆕 @ Access Event [june]
ROWBOAT BLANKET WITH PILLOWS Finca - rowboat Add-on D V.2 (ADT) 🆕 @ Access Event [june]
ROWBOAT Finca - White rowboat V.2 (PG) 🆕 @ Access Event [june]

• Interested in a item present at the picture and not listed here? No problem, just send me a notecard inworld and I'll answer any doubs about that •

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