Fall Sessions - Table Games ×××


CLOTHESLINE Pitaya - Clothesline Wood (flying sheets) 🆕 @ Access Event [august]
CLOTHES BASKET Pitaya - Clothesline - Basket 🆕 @ Access Event [august]

ICED TEA PITCHER Apple Fall Iced Tea Pitcher 🆕 @ Farmers Market [august 26th]
ICED TEA Apple Fall Iced Tea - Decorative 🆕 @ Farmers Market [august 26th]

GAMMON BOARD Apple Fall Backgammon Board 🆕 @ Saturday Sale [september 3rd]
DOMINOE Apple Fall Dominoes 🆕 @ Saturday Sale [september 3rd]
CARDS Apple Fall Autumn Playing Cards 🆕 @ Saturday Sale [september 3rd]
TIC-TAC-TOE Apple Fall Tic-Tac-Toe 🆕 @ Saturday Sale [september 3rd]

WALL ART Apple Fall AI Artwork: Lily Pads 🆕
WALL ART Apple Falll AI Artwork: Fieldscape 🆕
WALL ART Apple Fall  AI Artwork: Dusky Mountains 🆕
WALL ART Apple Fall AI Artwork: Ginkgo Study 🆕
WALL ART Apple Fall AI Artwork: Sunrise Blossoms 🆕

PICTURE FRAME Apple Fall Pearl Inlay Frame - 1:1 🆕 @ Saturday Sale [august 20th]
PICTURE FRAME Apple Fall Pearl Inlay Frame - 3:4 🆕 @ Saturday Sale [august 20th]
CANDLE Apple Fall 3-Wick Jar Candle - Lemon & Lavender 🆕 @ Saturday Sale [august 20th]

PALM ARRANGEMENT Apple Fall Dried Palm Arrangement - Terracotta Jug 🆕 @ Saturday Sale [august 26th]
CHAIR Apple Fall Marguerite Dining Chair 🆕 @ Saturday Sale [august 26th]
CANE CHAIR Apple Fall Marguerite Cane Dining Chair 🆕 @ Saturday Sale [august 26th]
TABLE SMALLER  Apple Fall Marguerite Dining Table - Seats 4 🆕 @ Saturday Sale [august 26th]
TABLE BIGGER Apple Fall Marguerite Dining Table - Seats 6 🆕 @ Saturday Sale [august 26th]
PLACE SETTING Apple Falll Summer Place Setting 🆕 @ Saturday Sale [august 26th]
PEACHES  BOWL Apple Fall Peaches in Dough Bowl 🆕 @ Saturday Sale [august 26th]
CANDLE Apple Fall Wicker Candle 🆕 @ Saturday Sale [august 26th]

BUILDING Apple Fall Hardwick Manor
WALL PLASTERS Apple Fall Mirielle Plaster Kit
WALL LAMP Apple Fall Shepherd Hook Wall Lamp - Brass
FLOOR LAMP Apple Fall Carter Lamp - Bronze
PUMPKINS Apple Fall Harvest Pumpkin - Buttercup Duo, Orange & White
BOOKS Apple Falll Books - Arrangement 8
DESK Apple Fall Lille Desk - Forest Green
PINECONES & HAZELNUTS Apple Fall Pinecones & Hazelnuts
WINE BOTTLES Apple Fall Argentinian Malbec
BANANA TREE Apple Fall Banana Tree
BASKET ART Apple Fall Woven Basket Art - Cream Petal
BASKET ART Apple Fall Woven Basket Art - Star Threaded
EASEL WITH MOUNT Apple Fall Easel w/ Drawing Mount
ARTS CLUTTER Apple Fall Leaning Art Clutter
BEGONIA PLANT Apple Fall Begonia Maculata

• Interested in a item present at the picture and not listed here? No problem, just send me a notecard inworld and I'll answer any doubs about that •

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