Saturday Worker •••

BUILDING • Apple Fall Hardwick Manor
hYDRANGEA FLOWER •  Apple Fall Single Cut Hydrangea - Blue
BASCKET • Apple Fall Leather Basket w/ Fabrics
WREATH • Apple Fall Fresh Magnolia Wreath
WALL LAMP • Apple Fall Shepherd Hook Wall Lamp - Brass
BEGONIA PLANT • Apple Fall Begonia Maculata
MANNEQUIN • Apple Fall Designer Mannequin - Black
CATHEDRAL FRAME • Apple Fall Cathedral Frame - Reclaimed
BAGS • Apple Fall Potting Mix Bags
MAGAZINES • Apple Fall Stacked Magazines
RIGHT CUSHION • Apple Fall Cushion - Fall Forest, Navy
FLOOR LAMP • Apple Fall Carter Lamp - Bronze
OUTSIDE FENCE • Apple Fall Cranfield Fence, Short and Wide
OUTSIDE FENCE GATE • Apple Fall Cranfield Fence Gate, Short

SEWING MACHINE • Apple Fall Vintage Sewing Machine 🆕

MOON PHASE ART • Apple Fall Moon Phase Chart Original Artwork - Light 🆕 @ Fameshed [february]
BOOKS • Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 15 🆕 @ Fameshed [february]
ARMOIRE • Apple Fall Garcelle Armoire - Stripped Oak 🆕 @ Fameshed [february]
WOVEN BASKET BLACK LEAF • Apple Fall Woven Basket Art - Black Leaf 🆕 @ Fameshed [february]
WOVEN BASKET STAR • Apple Fall Woven Basket Art - Star Threaded 🆕 @ Fameshed [february]
SHOEBOXES • Apple Fall Shoeboxes 🆕 @ Fameshed [february]
EPHEMERA POSTER • Apple Fall Vintage Gallery Original Poster - Ephemera 🆕 @ Fameshed [february]
MOON PHASE ART • Apple Fall Moon Phase Chart Original Artwork - Dark 🆕 @ Fameshed [february]
LIMES BRANCH VASE • Apple Falll Lime Branch in Jug 🆕 @ Fameshed [february]
COFFEE TO GO • Apple Fall Winnie's To Go Coffee 🆕 @ Fameshed [february]
CHAIRS • Apple Fall Chunky Spindle Chair, Adult -Stripped Oak 🆕 @ Fameshed [february]
TABLE • Apple Fall Hammered Occasional Table - Iron 🆕 @ Fameshed [february]
TOTE • Apple Fall Beau Tote - Navy Stripe 🆕 @ Fameshed [february]
ARTISTS' STUFF • Apple Fall Artists' Roll Satchel 🆕 @ Fameshed [february]

FIG TREE • West Village Fiddle Leaf Fig
RUG • West Village Althea Rug - Antique Floral

HANGING IVY PLANT • hive // hanging devil's ivy plant . light
HANGING BOUGAINVILLEA PLANT • hive // hanging bougainvillea plant . white
APRON • hive // hanging apron . blue stripe

LEFT PILLOW • .spruce. classic christmas pillows {4}

SEWING STUFF • [Merak] - Sewing Clutter

SEWING MACHINE TABLE • [ kunst ] - Sewing machine table

DOG • JIAN Classic Shelties // Sleeping Sheltie

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