Let's play little buddy

//Avatar Look//
Hair • BURLEY - Justin Club Taketomi * [New!!]
Skin • Clef de Peau. James T2 CATWA Output Event (August 10th) [New!!]
Shirt • GALVANIZED. DISOBEY Shirt Signature Event (August 1st) [New!!]
Capri Pants • GALVANIZED. Capri pants  Blue Signature Event (August 1st) [New!!]
Dog • JIAN Jack Russel Terrier :: Companion

* Please note that the club Taketomi it's a "Membership" group for LIMITED time discounted items!

Court • [Bad Unicorn] 'Vista Volleyball' Court K9 (August 15th) [New!!]
Bench • [Bad Unicorn] 'Vista Volleyball' Bench K9 (August 15th) [New!!]
Ball • [Bad Unicorn] 'Vista Volleyball' Ball K9 (August 15th) [New!!]
Scoreboard • [Bad Unicorn] 'Vista Volleyball' Scoreboard K9 (August 15th) [New!!]
Referee Chair • [Bad Unicorn] 'Vista Volleyball' Referee Chair K9 (August 15th) [New!!]

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