"The falling leaf does hate the wind"

hair/ Modulus - Blacks - Modulus
hairbase/ Clef de Peau HairBase 2 Black TMP
skin/ Clef de Peau Kenzo Base & Body Soft T4  TMP (mixed) @ The Arena Men's Fantasy Event - April 6th @NEW!!
eyes paiting/ Clef de Peau Warrior Paint 2 TMP @ The Arena Men's Fantasy Event - April 6th @NEW!!
facial hair/ Unorthodox Fizz Facial Hair TMP 
body tatto/ Speakeasy Dreamer Tattoo TMP @ CarnEvil Event - April 12th @NEW!!
necklace/ [MANDALA]  Lustful - Jewelry set Long Necklace The Mens Department - April 5th  @NEW!!
bracelets/ [MANDALA]  Lustful - Jewelry set Bracelet The Mens Department - April 5th  @NEW!!
pants/ UC men Boho Pants Black
katanas/ grafica ~ katana 

pose/ grafica ~ katana ii mirror

big house/ xin. haiden + rare Xiasumi School Festival @NEW!!
sanbu with set/ xin. sanbou & shinki set Xiasumi School Festival @NEW!!
house ladder/ xin. ishi kaidan Xiasumi School Festival @NEW!!
sidewalk/ xin. ishidatami Xiasumi School Festival @NEW!!
fence wall/ xin. tamagaki Xiasumi School Festival @NEW!!
water tank/ xin. chozuya Xiasumi School Festival @NEW!!
floor lanterns/ xin. toro lantern Xiasumi School Festival @NEW!!
information board/ xin. wooden post Xiasumi School Festival @NEW!!
left house/ xin. sessha + rare Xiasumi School Festival @NEW!!
suspended lanterns/ xin. chochin Xiasumi School Festival @NEW!!
coin box/ xin. saisenbako Xiasumi School Festival @NEW!!
ema board/ xin. ema Xiasumi School Festival @NEW!!
omikuji box/ xin. omikuji Xiasumi School Festival @NEW!!
gate/ xin. torii gate Xiasumi School Festival @NEW!!
right house/ Apt B // Tea House Xiasumi School Festival @NEW!!
rocks/ Dolly Heart Rocks - Granite - Mossy 1, 2 & 3
cherry trees/ -FG- Cherry tree 1 & 2
grass/ T-Spot Morning Dew Grass 

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